Confirm Payment

This method confirms one or more payments. Payments must be confirmed before they show in the client panel or are available to be processed/sent. Anytime a payment is added via a call to payments/add you must take the ID from that result and pass it to this endpoint in order to confirm it.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
id Int/Array Yes N/A One or more payment or payment file ID(s) you wish to confirm. To confirm multiple pass as an array (ie: id[]=1&id[]=2) and to confirm file, prepend file- to the id (ie: id=file-3)
item Int/Array No N/A DEPRECATED: see id above; One or more payment or payment file ID(s) you wish to confirm. To confirm multiple pass as an array (ie: id[]=1&id[]=2) and to confirm file, prepend file- to the id (ie: id=file-3)
bundle Bool No N/A Mark payments being confirmed as a bundle
bundle_mailto_name String No N/A The name to address the bundle to
bundle_mailto_addr String No N/A The address to mail the bundle to
bundle_postage Postage Code No FC The postage type to use when mailing the bundle
bundle_loose Boolean No False If payments should be in envelopes or loose within the bundle
Sample Response
{"status":0,"errors":[],"error_message":"","payments":{"1":{"id":"1","payee_id":null,"account_id":null,"client_invoice_id":null,"file_id":null, "batch_id":null,"status_id":"2","postage_id":null,"guid":"c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b","created_ts":"2019-09-22 05:46:05","updated_ts":null,"deleted_ts":null, "issue_ts":null,"sent_ts":null,"cancelled_ts":null,"returned_ts":null,"cleared_ts":null,"claimed_ts":null,"payee_name":"A Payee","payee_address":"123 Some St. City, ST 33434", "memo":null,"amount":"100.00","fees":"0.00","flagged":"0","confirmed":"1","claimed":"0","is_digital":"0","deleted":"0"}}}